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This document aims to present, in a simplified way, data regarding the implementation of the SDGs and sustainability in Portuguese SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises). The data presented is a compilation of the results present in the Year 1 Report of the SDG Observatory in Portuguese companies .

From the information collected throughout 2022, we were able to conclude that:

  • Despite the importance attributed to strategic alignment with sustainability, the implementation of the SDGs and sustainability in Portuguese SMEs is still in its infancy.

  • The level of knowledge of the SDGs and the organizational strategies and practices developed by SMEs demonstrate that there are still many opportunities for improvement on this topic.

  • At a time when the issue of sustainability becomes increasingly pressing, and the incorporation of environmental and social criteria in the management of the core business is fundamental to maintaining the operating license, this document aims to be the beginning of an awareness of the need of more effective ambition and practice in our small and medium-sized companies.

The SDGs most worked on by SMEs, the communication carried out and the barriers highlighted as most relevant, such as the “lack of knowledge on how to operationalize”, open a clear path to the future: more implementation and more practice! Portuguese SMEs, followed by Large Companies, will be the second line of confrontation with the new sustainability requirements. We know that they are not prepared, but it is the mission of the SDG Observatory to map the reality, so that, together, we can act on solutions.

We hope for a very prosperous future for our Small and Medium-sized Companies. It is our mission to guide this path, helping in theory and practice.

Download the full document here

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